Natural Remedies for ADHD on a Spiritual Level


You may be wondering, what are natural remedies for ADHD? How do you manage it through a spiritual lens? Dr. Deganit Nuur, a world-renowned spiritual teacher and clairvoyant (who has been featured in The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Vogue, and Forbes), answered the question.

Let’s start by breaking down the components of being.

About spirit

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Spirit comes first and our minds and bodies are a reflection of our spirits. Spirit moves fast. One day you’re visualizing a pair of socks and the next day they’re being gifted to you. Spirit can be instantaneous and it’s infinite and limitless.

About your body

Then there’s your body. Your body is made of matter, which is dense and slow (relative to spirit). There are limitations to the body. We’re limited by the hours in a day and dependent on basic human needs to sustain the body. This isn’t the case for spirit. Spirit doesn’t give a damn about sleep, schedules, etc.

About your mind

Your mind is the bridge between spirit and your body—it’s quite the job! If you get a spiritual download, “I’m going to start my own company!” “It’s time for love!” Then our mind conveys the message to the body and a whole cascade of events happens. Sometimes there are conflicting thoughts, “Can I really do this?” While spirit is infinite, our body is not. The mind is stuck in the middle, feeling both extremes. Since the mind is stuck between our spirit and our body, it tends to lead to overwhelm, stress, controlling tendencies, and so forth.

What causes ADHD

When in harmony, the mind is the perfect spirit-body translator and will catalog spiritual downloads, plan, and strategized for them, all while tending to real time needs of the body.

When your spirit is a little over-active, then it can be like writing checks your body can’t cash. It can feel like your mind is going a mile a minute, when it’s really your spirit acknowledging the infinite possibilities that are always present every single second of every single day. It can be distracting—and confusing. Spirit doesn’t understand that.

The limitations of the mind and body don’t really make sense to spirit because it IS exciting to be connecting to the wild abundance of the universe. Since you keep being offered a plethora of thoughts, possibilities, and opportunities that get you so jazzed up, you just want to dance and NOT sit, strategize, organize, and focus. Make sense?

Natural remedies for ADHD

Here are some natural remedies for ADHD .

1. Meditate

Seems obvious, but mediation helps anchor spirit into the body so that you’re functioning as one being. This will help get your mind, body, and spirit on the same page. Focus on running more Earth energy in your body. Be in nature. The Earth energy will chill you out and let you be more still and silent.

2. Write it all down

Let’s say you’re working on your resume and get distracted by the email you never responded to. Keep an ongoing list of “to-do-nows” verses “future possibilities.” Write down the downloads as they come into your mind so that you can stay powerfully present and focus on the task at hand. This will reinforce your body and mind. After a while, it’ll get easier to manage and control your thoughts and you will feel more peaceful.

3. Keep an accomplishments journal

For most I know, the more “grounded” matters of life, the pragmatic stuff, feels boring and grueling. Slipping in to spirit can feel fun, light, and rewarding. Make being pragmatic rewarding. Consider keeping an accomplishments journal. Literally give yourself praise each day for writing emails, sitting in meetings, handling finances, etc. This helps all those mundane things feel like fun and like your taking care of spirit and not like I’m being punished or taking time away from spirit.

Also, acupuncture helps!


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